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Public Speaking

It comes as no surprise that public speaking strikes fear in many people's minds. So much so, that we feel it intensely in our bodies: clammy palms, heart beating wildly, jittery hands, dry throat... 

Sound familiar? 


Coping with anxiety can be a challenge. Presentations and speeches are especially demanding tasks, so it is natural to be nervous.


The key is to learn how to manage those nerves and dial down the anxious state. The good news is that I work with clients to lessen the dread, such as teaching breathing and NLP techniques, and straightforward coaching to reduce the drama of the occasion. By putting things into perspective and confronting self-limiting beliefs that eat away at our confidence, we can lay the essential foundation for feeling better about public speaking.

From there, we can work on various aspects of public speaking, including the structure of the speech; vocal expression; pitch and pauses; strategies to prevent getting lost and how to recover if you do; and mastering body language. I provide a safe space for you to try new things, experiment, and have fun (yes, fun with public speaking is perfectly possible!) 

Why does this matter? I've known friends whose avoidance of public speaking had a detrimental impact on their career progression. It's disheartening to witness talented individuals, overflowing with potential, shy away from addressing an audience.


What's more, in a world of AI agents and cloned voices, a human, personal and professional presentation will be even more valued. 

My journey in public speaking started in my mid-20s when I delivered the eulogy at my father's funeral. The responsibility of honouring his memory outweighed any nervousness I felt. Since then, I have served as a wedding and funeral celebrant, trained young people in debating, drama and public speaking, and enjoyed success at my local Toastmasters club.

Perhaps a looming public speaking commitment fills you with such fear that you can't even begin drafting the speech. Or you already have a presentation but feel nauseous at the thought of delivering it.


Or you simply want to make public speaking a life and career skill.


Team up with a mentor, you don't have to go it alone. 

Each hourly session costs just £50, reduced to £220 for 5 sessions booked in advance. 

  • 1:1 Coaching and mentoring as required 

  • Help with speech writing

  • A warm and safe space to learn techniques, practice and feedback

  • Maybe even some fun!


No matter where you're starting, let's embark on this journey together. Get in touch via WhatsApp or email.  

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